Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Sleeping Pills for Different Sleep Related Disorders

Troubled by Insomnia? Well no long. Victoria Pharmacy is present to aid you in this regard with the variety of products manufactured especially for suiting the demands of different sleep related disorders. These disorders can be of many types, and finding the solution for the pressing issue becomes difficult at times. You need to have a one stop solution provider for recovering from this stressful situation. We at Victoria Pharmacy boast of being the messiah for such situations.

Over the years, we have acquired the testimony of our esteemed clientele having sleep disorders. Sleeping pills manufactured by the company are tried and tested over a period of time, and provide maximum benefits to the patients. A perfect pill used for sleeping will not only provides the intended result of quality sleep; it will also not be problematic for the health of the patient in the long run. Keeping in mind this simple theory, our products are manufactured to negate any possible side effects of the sleeping pills. Some of our products such as Sominex One A Night Tablets, Nytol Caplets, Kalms Sleep Tablets etc, have proved our stance of providing sleep along with the reduction, or complete removal of any kind of after effects.

It is always recommended that you consult you General Physician before opting for any of our products. Your safety and well-being is a virtue that we abide by, and nothing is more important to us than your health. The continuous endeavor of our company is targeted at producing the best. By best we mean, what is best suited to the different needs of our valued customers. We don't intend to doze you off; we intend to provide quality sleep with our products. 

You just need to pay us a visit at .

We would be obliged to guide you in any kind of sleep related disorder.

Friday, 23 November 2012

Are Vitamin Tablets Good or Bad?

Every year people in the UK spend millions and millions of pounds on vitamin tablets and supplements according to the Food Standards Agency (FSA). The most popular supplements are cod liver oil and multivitamins but products like mega-dose vitamins and minerals are increasing in popularity and some manufacturers have reported a 20% increase in sales over the last three years.  Even though there are health warnings attached to some of these supplements it would seem that people are more interested in seeking the elixir of life which can often cost them up to £30 a time.

Vitamins are a small group of substances that are essential for our body’s growth and development. There is no disputing the fact that we need vitamins in our diet and because most vitamins cannot be manufactured by the body they must come from our diet. Unfortunately some people think that taking vitamin tablets by the handful means that they do not need to watch what they eat and anyone can see the attraction of this approach – eat junk food and still be healthy even though it is completely incorrect.

If you speak to dieticians and nutritionists and other experts they will all tell you the same thing, most of us do not need to take vitamin tablets or food supplements as we can get all we need from a balanced diet. Although a small group of the population my require vitamins and supplements, the rest of us really just need a healthy diet. The best thing you can do is increase your intake of fruit and vegetables as these are the foods that are rich in vitamins, nutrients and minerals. It is recommended that people try to eat 5 portions of fruit and veg every day but the reality is that most people do not have even half the recommended amount.

As I mentioned previously, there are groups of people that will need to take vitamin tablets and these people are likely to be pregnant or planning on to get pregnant, people who have  limited exposure to sunlight, vegans who do not eat meat or dairy products, malnourished people and people who are involved in intense training for sport.

For those who are taking them for nutritional and sporting purposes you only need to take the most basic, inexpensive multivitamin. Overdosing on vitamins can have a toxic effect on your body and more is definitely not better when it comes to supplements.

Taking vitamin tablets and food supplements is not really good or bad, but more unnecessary for the majority of us. Your money could be better spent eating a well balanced and healthy meal at a nice restaurant rather than spending it on expensive and unnecessary vitamins and supplements.

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

The Important Functions of Vitamin D

Vitamin D has a number of important functions.  One of them being it helps to regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body.  These are the nutrients that are needed to keep teeth and bones healthy.   
When a person is suffering from a vitamin D deficiency it can lead to bone deformities such as rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults which causes bone pain and tenderness.

Our main source of vitamin D is the sunlight on our skin.  Vitamin D is made by our body under the skin in reaction to summer sunlight.  Good food sources for vitamin D are:
  • oily fish, such as salmon and sardines
  • eggs
  • fortified fat spreads
  • fortified breakfast cereals
  • powdered milk
You can purchase vitamin D supplements and vitamin drops – for the under fives from Victoria Pharmacy.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

About Sleeping Pills

Sleeping pills and sleep medications generally work best when they are used sparingly for short term situations.  This could be travelling across time zones or recovering from a medical procedure.  If sleeping pills are used over a long period of time they are best used when needed instead of on a daily basis as this could lead to dependence and tolerance.

It is best to consult your GP and pharmacist so you can ensure you get the maximum benefits and can also safely monitor any potential side effects.

The main ingredient of over-the-counter sleeping pills is antihistamine.  Antihistamines are normally taken for allergies like hay fever and common cold symptoms, but in the case of sleeping pills the antihistamine is there to counteract histamine which promotes wakefulness.  In these cases antihistamine has the effect of making the patient feel sleepy.

Always make sure you consult your pharmacy before buying any over-the-counter sleeping medication.

Friday, 15 June 2012

Private Prescription Service

A private prescription is when a patient pays for their medicines instead of the prescription being subsidized by the National Health Service (NHS). A Private prescription can be written on any piece of paper by a doctor who is UK registered and has a General Medical Council (GMC) number. To obtain a private prescription a patient will usually have to pay a fee to a doctor from a private practice and another fee to the pharmacy that dispenses their required medication.  This fee may be more or less than the standard NHS prescription charge as the fee for a private prescription is based on the cost of the drug, the amount supplied and also a dispensing fee which may be a flat rate or calculated from the actual cost of the drug.  An NHS prescription fee is a standard fee which is in no way related to the cost of the drug or the quantity supplied.

Private prescriptions are not subsidised by the Government and this means that they may cost you a bit more than you are used to paying for your medicines.  Costs can vary from medicine to medicine and from pharmacy to pharmacy so it may be worth your while to check costs a few different pharmacies before buying any medication.  Many medicines are on a list that means that they are not allowed to be prescribed on the NHS and thus the patient has only the option to pay for their medicines by firstly obtaining a private prescription. Many patients find this advantageous as many antibiotics such as amoxicillin and erythromycin would cost less on a private prescription than paying the £7.65 NHS charge.  If the cost of the medicine is too much for you then consult your doctor to find out if there are other treatments that are available through the NHS.  If you have private health insurance you may be covered for the cost of the private prescription.

Any online pharmacy operating in the UK must be in receipt of a prescription prior to dispensing any medicines and many of these online pharmacies have their own in-house or third party doctors available to consult with patients and write a private prescription if deemed necessary.  Some customers prefer to order drugs from an online pharmacy to avoid the hassle of visiting a doctor or to acquire medications that their doctors are reluctant to supply or in some cases the patient may feel embarrassed to ask about.  Many people are now turning to online pharmacies as obtaining prescribed medications can be expensive and the same level of service is offered online and in a lot of cases at a lower cost.

The cost of treatment on a private prescription includes the cost of the medicine prescribed plus the dispensing fee.  As I mentioned before it is best to shop around as the total cost of your private prescription will vary between pharmacies.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Choose the right weight loss supplements for your body

There is one common thread that rings true when it comes to weight loss and that is, if you want to lose weight then you need to be committed to making it happen.  Most weight loss supplements will work in aiding weight loss but they need to be accompanied by healthy eating and exercise.  In short, there is no magic weight loss pill. There is such a wide array of weight loss supplements on the market.  From drinks to prescription medication aimed at defeating obesity to over the counter pills.  Thanks to the mindset   ‘I need to be thinner’ there are new weight loss products released onto the market every year and many people are under the false impression that these supplements will work overnight.

The popularity of weight loss supplements has hugely increased over the past few years as more and more people face the problem of being overweight or find the stigma attached to being fat hard to deal with.  Weight loss supplements are any type of medicine that claims to help an individual lose weight.  These over the counter supplements are extremely popular with people who are looking for some kind of magical solution to the weight problems.  The problem is that most of these people are not aware that these weight loss products may not be safe and can cause more harm to the body in the long term.  A consultation with a doctor is recommended before purchasing any weight loss product over the counter.  In many cases a doctor will discourage the use of such supplements as more often than not they do not work.

Some products will give a result of slight weight loss but the potential side effects of these products tend to overshadow the actual weight loss.  Certain products have even been banned but can still be found in some chemists.  Products like this should be avoided as in some cases they can prove fatal.  There are also many herbal weight loss supplements available on the market but many of these have conflicting results or insufficient evidence to prove their claims.  These supplements are known as fat burners and they way they work is by boosting the body’s metabolism.  Doctors do prescribe these to patients but the patient’s progress is monitored closely.  Due to the lack of labelling of ingredients on these products, drastic increase in high blood pressure and heart problems, use of these supplements is discouraged by the FDA.

Whether your weight loss supplements are prescribed or not you should use them as advised as prolonged use can lead to addiction and there are many drug rehabilitation centres that work with people who are struggling with addiction to weight loss supplements.

To summarise, the perfect body is something that is dreamed about by an increasing number of people and because of this more and more weight loss products are flooding the market.  Do your research and consult your doctor before purchasing any of these supplements to avoid any adverse effects on your general health.